
Cloud Accounting – What is it & Why is it Good for Businesses?

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Image: Cloud Accounting

If you’re a business owner/founder, accounting must be keeping you on your toes. Not only is it complex, tricky, and requires complete focus, but also eats up a big chunk of time. Which you’d rather spend on growing operations, engaging users, converting them, etc.

Manual accounting is a tedious and time-consuming task. Yet it cannot be just diverted to someone else or can be delayed as it is crucial. This is where Cloud Accounting swoops in and saves not just time but also tedious efforts, ensuring precision, and perfection, and that too at terrific speeds!

Cloud-based accounting is one of today’s most transformative tech trends for businesses. This innovative approach blows old-school accounting software out of the water. Read on to learn what exactly cloud accounting is, why it rules, and how to use it to give your business wings!

What is Cloud Accounting?

So what makes cloud accounting different than traditional accounting software? In a nutshell, it uses cloud-based software accessed online via the internet, instead of old programs installed on computers.

Leading examples of cloud accounting platforms include industry giants like:

  • QuickBooks Online
  • Xero
  • FreshBooks
  • Wave Accounting
  • Zoho Books

With these solutions, all your vital accounting tasks happen in the cloud. This includes automating tasks like:

  • Invoicing
  • Expense tracking
  • Payroll
  • Financial Reporting
  • Tax Preparation
  • Inventory management

You simply login online from your desktop or mobile device to access your real-time financial data and perform accounting tasks using the software. It’s that easy!

Key Benefits of Cloud Accounting

Access Anywhere, Anytime

One big advantage that cloud computing offers is the flexibility to access your financial data from any location at any time. All you is an internet connection, just log in to the software from any device. You don’t necessarily need a desktop/laptop to access your company’s financial data.

With cloud platforms, you can get started with accounting from anywhere, anytime. How awesome and convenient is that! So, you can sit, travel, go on a work-ation, or tend to personal matters without having a single thread lost in your business operations.

Seamless Scaling in Cloud Accounting

Accounting software installed on your office computers has limitations in how much data it can handle. Once you exceed capacity as your business grows, it requires costly upgrades and new servers. However, cloud-based platforms are specifically designed to scale seamlessly as your transaction volumes and data storage needs increase.

The cloud architecture allows the software to efficiently adapt without you needing to worry about disruptive upgrades. This elasticity means cloud accounting solutions grow in sync with your expanding business.

Automatic Updates

One headache with traditional accounting software is waiting for updates and patches to be released. This requires manually downloading and installing the latest version, which is disruptive. However, cloud platforms are continuously updated in real time without any effort on your end.

New features, optimizations, and improvements are automatically rolled out in the background for you. So you always have access to the latest tools without disruptions.

Enhanced Collaboration with Cloud Accounting

With desktop accounting systems, collaborating with others like your bookkeeper or accountant can be a challenge because remote access is limited. However, cloud accounting enables seamless collaboration within your company and externally due to its online accessibility.

You can provide specific permissions to employees, accountants, or advisors to access relevant financial data and workflows. This makes it easy to work together on accounting, taxes, and reporting without any geographic barriers.

Improved Security

Security is paramount when it comes to financial data in the cloud. Leading cloud accounting vendors invest heavily in security measures like data encryption, role-based access controls, two-factor authentication, certified data centers with biometric access, automatic backups, and high uptime and redundancy to reduce risks. Your data is likely more secure compared to most in-house systems.

Big Data Analytics

Cloud platforms tap into big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning capabilities that legacy desktop software lacks. This enables intelligent and predictive insights based on your real-time financial information. You can leverage analytics dashboards and visualizations powered by the cloud to gain visibility into performance metrics and opportunities to cut costs and boost revenue.

Lower Costs with Cloud Accounting

For small and mid-size businesses, adopting cloud accounting eliminates the high upfront expenditures of purchasing and maintaining servers along with IT infrastructure and personnel. The subscription-based pricing of cloud platforms becomes an operating expense rather than a capital expenditure, making it more affordable. Automatic updates also negate the need to spend money on new software packages.

Why Migrate to the Cloud?

Still on old-school accounting software like QuickBooks Desktop? What signs say it’s time your business migrated to the cloud?

You outgrew your entry-level desktop system. Indicators include slowing performance, frozen screens, and error messages when your transaction volume exceeds software capacity.

Collaborating with your accountant is cumbersome because you both need remote access to the desktop program.  

  • You want the flexibility to work across devices from anywhere.
  • Manual imports and exports of data are required to sync your accounting system with other business platforms.
  • You need to upgrade hardware, servers, and IT infrastructure to support your growing business.
  • New features, updates, and support for the desktop system have been discontinued by the developer.
  • You seek real-time financial insights that legacy software can’t provide.

If any of these resonate, the cloud calling your name!

Making the Move to Cloud Accounting

Is it the time to leap? Here are tips to smoothly transition your business to the cloud:

  • Research platforms to find the right solution for your business needs and budget.
  • Consult your accountant for advice on the best system for you.
  • Select a vendor offering migration support to transfer your data.
  • Run the cloud system parallel to your existing setup during the transition.
  • Gradually migrate modules over starting with core functions like accounting and inventory.
  • Train staff on the new system and get everyone onboard.
  • Leverage support like videos, guides, and webinars to ramp up quickly.
  • Refine workflows and customize the system to best fit your operations.

Once in the cloud, you’ll wonder how your business ever operated without it! While the transition takes some work, the long-term benefits are game-changing. So embrace the shift and unlock your cloud accounting superpowers today!

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