
Qualities That Make a Great Leader

5 minutes
Image: Qualities That Make a Great Leader

Irrespective of the organization that we take under consideration, it is going to require leaders. This encourages company culture and helps with forwarding business goals.

So, when you inculcate leadership qualities within yourself, it makes you indispensable within your organization. You are considered for any open leadership positions. One should, hence, make it a point to learn about leadership qualities. 

This helps with the identification of the areas where you excel and the ones that you can improvise upon. An important focus area of this article is to take a closer look at the qualities that make a great leader.


A leader should go ahead with his decisions confidently and have a fair bit of an idea about how they affect the organization.

When this happens, employees develop trust in the choices that the leader makes and the direction in which he drives the company forward. So, a leader can courageously implement his plans, right through to completion.


A leader should be a top scorer in terms of accountability and should also make his employees accountable for their work.

Upon demonstrating accountability, leaders set an example for their employees to look up to. 

Productivity, correspondingly, is boosted at an organizational level. Acknowledging one’s mistakes is a great leadership quality. By taking corrective measures, one sets a good example.


A leader’s thought process has to go by what his staff thinks. This vastly covers their opinions about each of the company’s important aspects, such as decisions and projects. 

When the idea becomes operational, a leader’s perspective will broaden. Then, by considering any matter from different angles, a leader can comprehend the viewpoint of all stakeholders.


Words of an exceptional leader are inspirational while all communication is positive and clear. This induces simplicity for all team members in understanding their responsibilities and tasks. Besides verbal communication, the non-verbal communication of exceptional leaders is also strong.


By keeping focused on goals and targets, a leader inspires his team members to keep focused. This brings efficiency at an organizational level. The work becomes more directional and the productivity enhances. 

This helps with the on-time completion of projects.


If a project has multiple team members, the project’s goals, responsibilities, and tasks are likely to be transitional. 

It, hence, becomes important for the leader to exercise flexibility. Maintaining or adjusting the ownership of a team, project, or meeting will simplify. 

This way, team members will have more freedom to adjust their priorities by adapting to the transforming situations.


As a leader, one has a different viewpoint for approaching challenges. 

A leader will be in a better position to identify the issues. So, they come up with a unique solution for resolution. There are even cases when a leader can innovatively resolve a problem before it arises in the first place.


Humbleness is a trait always associated with good leaders. By being willing to accept their errors, they lift their team members’ spirits. A leader is going to be objective and try not to repeat mistakes. 

Being humble puts them in a better position to be receptive to new concepts.


In the face of an adversary, a leader’s attitude has to be positive and patient. By bravely handling challenges, leaders help others succeed.


A leader must be passionate about his team’s goals and work. The focus has to lie on putting in his best performance, day after day such that the objectives are more reachable. 

The leader’s passion becomes inspirational for the team members. They too begin to put in hard work and reach their goals.


Resilience is a quintessential quality for a leader because he needs to adjust to tough times and odd situations. The challenges need to be handled quickly by keeping the processes innovative. 

At times, the status quo needs to be altered and new staff members hired.


If a leader is open and honest, it delivers more joy to everyday work while efficiency is induced into the processes by keeping the work environment transparent. Members get to have their voice which induces trust.


A good leader has faith in his team members’ abilities and shares with them the tasks for which their competencies are ideally matched. With the leader’s motivation, team members’ morales are boosted so they can put in their best efforts.


You’d see that an effective leader is confident at all times irrespective of the situation at hand. In the face of adverse situations, effective leaders take command. 

This allows them to overcome the circumstances with poise and ease. Upon demonstrating examples for their 


With their behavior, outlook, and attitude, good leaders motivate their teams who then, tend to adopt their manager’straits. 

So, it becomes a must for leaders to keep their outlook optimistic and constructive in the face of challenges.


Professional conduct and self-awareness establish leaders’ positions such that they can expand their influence. This becomes easier when the leaders seek their peers’ suggestions and inputs to build productive relationships with them.


Demonstrating integrity highlights a leader’s sincerity that sets an example for everyone. If the leader is trustworthy, he will apologize when he makes a mistake and always puts the focus on his employees’ good work. He has regard for people’s time.

Upon demonstrating accountability leaders set an example for their employees to look up to.


A good leader will have a vision for his organization. When they articulate this vision, others too can share their goals and dreams. 

It is important to make one’s peers buy one’s vision such that all can work towards it, together.

If a leader is exceptional, he is going to be keenly decisive such that the company’s direction is clearly set. Such a leader will inspire loyalty, enthusiasm, and commitment. 

The focus of all employees then shifts toward the bigger challenges and objectives such that they can perform at their best. So, successful leaders not only share their vision but also compel others to work towards the same such that it becomes achievable.

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