
Norm Goldstein: Laying the Foundation for a More Sustainable and Equitable Future

9 minutes
Norm Goldstein

The education sector is facing a growing need for innovative solutions and transformative initiatives as societies change and encounter new hurdles.

During these transformative times, the role of leaders who are committed to advocating equity, inclusivity, and lifelong learning becomes increasingly important.

These pioneers work at the intersection of education and social impact, applying their knowledge, enthusiasm, and connections to overcome barriers, strengthen vulnerable communities, and foster a collaborative and empathetic culture. 

Among these vanguards of education Norm Goldstein, the Founder and CEO of EduNetwork Partners stands out for his unique approach.

Norm holds over 23 years of extensive experience in connecting corporations with communities, families, educators, and students through educational marketing programs and materials.

With a demonstrated history of creating and delivering impactful and innovative solutions, Norm has solidified his reputation for promoting social responsibility, academic excellence, and lifelong learning.

His passion for youth innovation and empowerment has garnered him prestigious accolades, including recognition as a Congressional Leadership Award recipient and one of CNN’s “Ten National Innovators” transforming lives in America.

Norm’s commitment to humanitarian causes has led to his appointment as a Global Goodwill Ambassador, further amplifying his influence in the realm of education and social responsibility.

Fostering Young Innovators

It all began when Norm’s eleven-year-old daughter, Cassidy, developed a writing instrument to contain broken crayon fragments. She struggled with fine motor abilities, but she was able to get around them with her invention.

Norm, who is also an inventor, realized that many other people who had writing difficulties could profit from her idea. With Norm’s support and guidance, she became the owner of a United States utility patent at the age of fourteen.

Following Norm’s invention’s license to a reputable kids’ goods manufacturer, customers could purchase the product at Walmart and other retailers.  

He learned from this experience that children often come up with brilliant ideas because they perceive the world with limitless possibilities.

To encourage kids’ original viewpoints on inventions and to incorporate such ideas into his business, eighteen years ago, he established By Kids For Kids company to promote creativity and inventive thinking in children. 

Additionally, he provided them with free patents and helped them sell their inventions. His endeavor resulted in the patenting of 26 youth inventions overall.

Nurturing the Spirit of Innovation

Norm’s dedication to educational advancement extends beyond his role at EduNetwork Partners.

As a co-founder of By Kids For Kids, he empowered children to develop critical and creative thinking skills while providing invaluable educational resources to teachers and parents.

Additionally, Norm’s contributions to innovation are highlighted by his role as a co-inventor of seven U.S. patents for the Priceline business model.

Norm is also a published author, with two books focusing on personal development and transformation. He seeks to motivate and inspire young people and bring change for the better.

As a true leader of corporate social responsibility, Norm has used his spirit of innovation and creativity to influence community initiatives designed and executed by young people who want to take the lead in introducing new ideas and businesses.

Developing the Entrepreneurial Spirit and Connection to the Society

Norm’s method involves amalgamating entrepreneurial skills with a high social impact.

He has arguably been the driving force for social entrepreneurship education programs that impart important skills pertinent to business management and leadership, and at the same time, motivate the youth to pursue social and environmental issues.

Through the formation of such an enterprising mindset and the sense of the youth to be helpful to their societies, Norm’s projects equip the young people to be agents of change in their communities.

A good example of one of his most impactful projects is the Grow Your Own Business Challenge competition partnering with Warren Buffett. 

Supported by Experian, this national contest challenged young people to apply business wisdom from Warren Buffett delivered through an aligned curriculum developed by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and delivered by Norm and his team to teachers and out-of-school/afterschool providers. 

The Grow Your Own Business   Challenge resulted in over 2 billion media impressions including CNN, CNBC, New York Times, Forbes, and Wall Street Journal; and 120 sponsor branded FREE educational financial literacy activities were made available for teachers on a website that clocked over 1,500,000 downloads of educational materials. 

Over 16,000 kids entered the “Grow Your Own Business Challenge” with online voting documenting over 130,000 votes cast for top ideas.

Mr. Buffett also stars in the Secret Millionaires Club as an animated cartoon character utilizing his own voiceover.  The show promotes Mr. Buffett’s business beliefs and also features celebrities such as Jay Z and Shaq.

Students entered their business plans online with their parents’ permission. W

nning finalist teams went to Omaha to present their plans to a stellar group of business leaders as well as Warren Buffett, himself.  Although a winner was emerging from the contest, all 15 of the finalists received 10 shares of Berkshire Hathaway B Stock. 

Keeping Ethics Intact

Apart from his involvement with youth, Norm has also played a significant role in advocating for corporate social responsibility.

He has given businesses advice on how to include social impact and sustainability into their main business plans, proving that doing good can have a positive financial benefit.

Norm is regarded as a respected pioneer in the field of corporate social responsibility because of his ability to close the gap between entrepreneurship and social effect.

Norm’s current endeavor, EduNetwork Partners works with companies to achieve their corporate social responsibility goals.

Through Norm’s efforts, The American Cancer Society has enlisted school children in healthy habits by providing curriculum to elementary school teachers and supporting their fundraising through school-wide campaigns.

Through Norm’s efforts, Hard Rock sponsors a program known as the Social Identity Quest providing engaging anonymous guidance to young people to avoid entrapment into sexual exploitation.

Last year the program ran in America and Mexico. This year it will run in Central and South America as well.  Many other national and international companies seek Norm’s support and services to assist them in reaching their goals while also creating brand awareness. 

Besides working on a national scale as a force for good, Norm works locally providing guidance and mentoring to individuals as “Coach Norm”.  He runs a weekly meditation group at his local Temple.  During the pandemic, he penned a book that captures the mantras that guide his life and work. The Book of Normanisms was published in 2020 and is available online at https://www.normgoldstein.com/

Norm shares that he takes inspiration from the belief that the world is his oyster and opportunities are always ever present if you allow yourself to be open to opportunities.

Here is an example of one of his “Normanisms”: “Throughout each day, there can be hundreds of seemingly insignificant encounters, choices and decisions. These positive or negative choices add up and get deposited into an emotional account. It’s these little things that add up in building a solid character.”  

A Legacy of Impact 

Norm is a man of multifaceted accomplishments who finds pride and joy in more than just his professional endeavors. Beyond the realms of his career, Norm measures his success by the strength of his family life.

With a marriage spanning an impressive 47 years, he considers his enduring partnership a significant achievement, one that fills him with immense satisfaction.

Alongside his devoted wife, Norm is blessed with three thriving children, who have, in turn, blessed the couple with seven grandchildren, ranging from the tender ages of toddlerhood to middle school. 

The wealth of kid-friendly entertainment and educational resources that adorn the Goldstein household is testimony to the fact that they value family relationships above all else. It has developed into a treasured meeting spot where joy, love, and education converge to produce enduring memories for future generations.

Yet, Norm’s impact extends far beyond the confines of his kin.

He is renowned for his pursuit of social innovation and youth empowerment. This is the cause that is close to his heart and his tireless dedication to equipping the next generation with the tools and mindset necessary to effect positive change attests to it.

Through his firm commitment, Norm Goldstein aims to shape a brighter, more sustainable, and equitable future, leaving an indelible mark on both his family and the world at large.

Innovating Corporate Engagement and Educational Solutions

EduNetwork Partners provides schools with a free CSR-branded service that presents a distinctive, multifaceted way for businesses to engage with customers.

To ascertain the clients’ aims and objectives, the organization first consults with them. Subsequently, the team generates initial concepts, enabling the client to evaluate whether their goals have been precisely realized.

After that, campaigns are created for K–12 using teachers with specialized knowledge of particular subjects. To develop the website or platform, the digital team works in tandem with the client’s marketing team.

Additionally, using an opted-in database, the team creates targeted lists based on the client’s desired age ranges and grade levels.

EduNetwork Partners wants to stay technology-oriented going forward. The spread of remote learning during the pandemic has exacerbated the trend toward the obsolescence of printed materials used in schools.

Teachers today look for material that is clear, concise, and easy to understand. The company intends to advance the usage of multi- and cross-platforms to address these objectives and help clients attain higher levels of student participation and engagement.

Furthermore, research is being done on the application of artificial intelligence to improve students’ information absorption and assimilation.

Adapting to Modern Education

EduNetwork’s organizational flexibility allowed it to respond swiftly to the changing demands of the global educational landscape. Specifically, the organization made the platform fully digital in a calculated effort to thwart COVID.

As a result, EduNetwork was able to offer educational activities that could be done at home to complement well-established in-school programs. 

Rather than merely being a seller, EduNetwork truly collaborates with its clients. The team as a whole creates their CSR projects as an external resource to lessen the burden on their internal resources.

Additionally, they offer competitions and tasks related to student-focused programs, which help students comprehend the material being presented to them.

Celebrating the winners of the competition can help clients receive a lot of favorable news and goodwill. The Warren Buffett’s Secret Millionaires Club, whose campaign the company helped design, received 3.2 billion media impressions by informing the children who won their sweepstakes.

The company’s long-term objectives center on creating fresh, critically important programs that impact children, families, and communities all around the nation.

These programs will continue to support the goals and objectives of the clients by demonstrating a commitment to promoting social responsibility and providing them with the resources necessary to boost student participation and engagement.

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