
Redefining Long-Term Care Planning

7 minutes
Image: Women Business Leaders of 2024 - Steadfast Insurance | Kelly Augspurger

Kelly Augspurger’s personal family experience with extended care led her to develop a passion for helping clients find peace of mind in their extended care aka long-term care plans.

After co-founding a used car dealership in 2007, she learned invaluable business and customer service skills but yearned to start a company focused squarely on education and advocacy.

“I gained experience in starting a business from the ground up, but what drove me was seeing the relief on people’s faces when I helped solve their transportation needs,” Kelly recalls. “That feeling of making a positive difference is what I wanted to channel into my next venture.”

In 2019, Kelly partnered with her husband Adam to launch Steadfast Insurance LLC, an independent agency that has redefined what’s possible in extended care planning.

Taking a client-first approach, Kelly leads with an emphasis on education, customized solutions, and building genuine relationships.

By asking thoughtful questions and creatively navigating options, she ensures families are fully equipped to face future uncertainties with confidence. Kelly is pioneering a new standard of proactive, compassionate planning for care focused squarely on clients’ well-being.

Kelly’s Professional Journey

Co-founded a Used Car Dealership

In 2007, Kelly took the plunge to co-found a used car dealership. Over the next twelve years, she gained invaluable hands-on experience running all facets of the operation.

“I learned how to start from nothing, manage employees, market our offerings, negotiate deals, and most importantly, provide outstanding customer service,”

Kelly Augspurger, Co-founder, Steadfast Insurance

Learned Key Business Skills

During her time at the dealership, Kelly honed problem-solving, communication, organization, and adapting to changing conditions. She also improved in financial management and understanding of clients’ unique needs.

“Running the dealership gave me insights into what customers want – to feel heard and have their best interests at heart,” Kelly remarks.

Motivation for Starting Steadfast

1. Flexibility and independence

As a new mother in 2010, Kelly wanted more flexibility and control over her hours. She was also eager to run her show. “We aimed to build a company aligned with our goals of putting families first while also having the freedom and control to balance work and family,” Kelly explains.

2. Provide exceptional service

Drawing on lessons from client relationships in both industries, Kelly was motivated to deliver customized, compassionate service. “At Steadfast, clients see us as their trusted insurance advisors, not salespeople,” Kelly says.  “That level of genuine, responsive service is our core focus.”

Kelly’s Niche – Specializing in Long-term Care Solutions

Aging populations are driving an unprecedented demand. Kelly recognized long-term care protection as her calling. “This is such a meaningful space that directly impacts individuals and families’ quality of life,” she says. Kelly zeroed in on navigating the complex web of options in this specialty realm.

Staying Attuned to Clients’ Evolving Needs

To continuously adapt, Kelly draws insights from diverse clients nationally. “Partnering with financial advisors across the country, allows us to help a bigger pool of families”,  she notes. She also solicits ongoing feedback to refine how Steadfast supports clients.

Customized and Educational Approach

Steadfast differentiates itself through educational resources and customized advice. “People are overwhelmed by this topic, so we focus on imparting objective knowledge,” Kelly says.

An online tool captures health details to strategize optimal protection. In-depth discussions empower clients with personalized recommendations tailored to individual priorities, budgets, and desired outcomes.

“It’s so rewarding to help families find clarity and confidence through understanding all of their extended care choices.”

Client-Centric Philosophy

Aligning Solutions With Client Needs and Preferences

By asking thoughtful questions, Kelly gains a holistic view of each client’s world – from their network of support to their financial goals.

“This vital understanding helps pinpoint options that perfectly match what’s most important to them,” she notes. Kelly ensures that recommendations address clients’ unique fears and desires for quality of life throughout life’s journeys.

Success Story Demonstrating Positive Impact

John and Kim (names changed for privacy purposes), who came to Steadfast in their mid-70s need coverage (most of Kelly’s clients are in their 50s when they purchase coverage). When Kelly learned of John’s health issues, most LTC insurers would have denied him.

“Through our resources, I was able to craft an innovative joint policy leveraging an existing asset into an annuity paying for care,” Kelly recalls. This solution doubled John and Kim’s access to benefits. “We gave them peace of mind knowing their family has protection if they ever need care”.

“That’s so rewarding to provide that kind of peace of mind,” Kelly says with a smile. John and Kim expressed immense gratitude, showing how Steadfast truly empowers families.

Adapting to Insurance Industry Dynamics

Leveraging Technology

The insurance sector is advancing rapidly through technological shifts. Committed to maintaining a competitive edge, Steadfast adopts user-friendly tools that enhance clients’ experience.

Kelly explains, “An online health questionnaire allows clients to respond privately at their convenience.” They have digitized the insurance prescreening process to make it more efficient.

Video Content and Educational Resources

Looking ahead, Kelly focuses on informative mediums connecting nationwide. “Since the pandemic, we’ve amplified our video library and podcast to reach wider audiences,” she says.

Educational resources like guides, blogs, podcasts, and YouTube videos empower audiences to make complex decisions. Evaluating consumption habits informs fresh content. Kelly says, “These innovative avenues disseminate our messaging of care planning passionately through any device.”

Guiding countless families online reflects Steadfast’s agility in navigating industry waves. Kelly comments, “Adaptability strengthens our ability to serve clients generously through changing times.”

Empowering Clients

Educational Resources Provided

Steadfast equips clients with an arsenal of learning tools. Kelly explains, “Our video library simplifies intricate concepts and our guides and podcasts offer on-demand facts.”

Kelly’s podcast, Steadfast Care Planning, features Kelly interviewing different experts who provide knowledge and resources to help older adults navigate aging successfully.”These varied materials grant audiences independence in researching options best for their lifestyle,” Kelly outlines.

Example of a Client Benefiting from Resources

One beneficiary of Steadfast’s educational breadth is Andy. Discovering their resources online, he delved into custom consultations and additional substance. Andy later remarked, “This detailed process precisely illuminated my long-term care solution.

Kelly’s proficient, yet congenial style helped me feel at ease.” He emerged well-informed to make judicious choices, confident in Steadfast’s backed acumen and customer focus. Andy’s experience epitomizes Steadfast’s recipe for empowering families through compassionate learning.

Future Innovations

Upcoming Podcast Episodes

Most innovative of all, Kelly divulges a multimedia project. “We’re thrilled about our podcast, Steadfast Care Planning, that launched in Nov 2022,” she exclaims. Across episodes, honest conversations raise awareness of navigating issues that older adults face. 

Kelly promises insightful takeaways for aging populations. “Consumers crave relatable guidance addressing their most pressing longevity logistics – that’s our podcast’s mission,” she affirms.

Ways Clients Can Engage and Stay Updated

To participate in Steadfast’s evolution, Kelly invites audiences to multiple involvement avenues. Following their YouTube channel ensures catching recent financial knowledge bombs.

Most intimately, the podcast connects listeners to Kelly’s wisdom on the go via all major mobile platforms. Wherever life’s travels lead, Steadfast equips families with every progressive step of the way.

Kelly beams, “This is just the beginning – we can’t wait to see how our offerings help communities in 2024 and beyond!”

The Road Ahead

My mission is to re-imagine extended care planning through education, honesty, innovation, empathy, and advocacy. Kelly’s experience provides a solid foundation for her leadership in supporting clients’ evolving needs through technology and education.

Personalized solutions celebrate families based on customized understanding. Future growth is inspired by a steadfast dedication to empowerment. 

Steadfast’s Vision and Service

Kelly’s vision since 2007 has been to enable peace of mind. “Steadfast’s future is bright – I’m proud of the way we make complex topics approachable and decisions meaningful and affordable,” she beams.

Progressing hand-in-hand with clients, Steadfast’s care theme becomes ever clearer. Says Kelly, “Our name reflects our steadfast promise to walk alongside our clients and community, imparting guidance as lives unfold.”

With a pioneering spirit and client-first philosophy, Steadfast’s vital efforts yield families feeling heard, independent, and confident in charting each new chapter.

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