
Innovation Vista: Formulating the road ahead for SMEs with digital transformation

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Innovation Vista

It is hard to deny that the IT revolution transformed the world to the extent that it became reasonably different from what it had earlier been.

Information Technology had a lot to do with rendering efficiency to business operations. It also played a part in creating more jobs, which will translate to boosting the quality of life for people.

In today’s world, nearly every business is online. If a business is not online, it is missing out on the competitive edge.

IT has a lot to offer for high-profile businesses. But, nowadays, IT has robust and feasible business solutions, 100% tailored for all businesses. IT holds the potential to benefit all businesses, starting from the ground up.

This may vastly be seen as one of the most important challenges for IT through the present times. As IT advances, it is going to benefit even more people, businesses, and communities.

Mr. Jeff Roberts is the Founder and CEO of Innovation Vista, an organization he founded in 2019 to provide IT strategy & leadership services in flexible engagements to small & midsize companies.

Mr. Roberts firmly believes that the digital revolution is not just for large companies, but for small and midsize organizations as well.  At Innovation Vista, their mission is to deliver experienced IT strategy guidance to these companies in affordable engagement models.

Startups and SMEs can benefit tremendously from IT services but are frequently characterized by tight budgets and inexperience in business operations. In such cases, business partners such as Innovation Vista have game-changing effects on their business fortunes and success.

Factors that drive Innovation Vista Forward

Teamwork stands behind the success of every organization. But, it is hard to deny that individual contributions make a great team that carries business forward.

Mr. Roberts shares that they draw a lot of insights from the depth of their consulting team – which has grown to 400 strong.  Across every major industry, many of these consultants are engaged in leading-edge innovation, positioning Innovation Vista with top-flight experts to enable the vision of its clients.

Further, Mr. Roberts says, their consultants are all experienced C-level IT leaders who have succeeded as executives and are now consulting. 

Innovation Vista’s commitment to excellence begins with its selection of these experts for its network.  Only experienced proven experts who have both technical and business acumen “make the cut” for them.

Mr. Roberts adds that Innovation Vista supports them with resources appropriate to each project, but its main approach is to let them collaborate directly with the organization’s clients in the manner they jointly decide is the best approach.

Innovation keeps Innovation Vista relevant and competitive with the times

As part of their Digital Transformation practice, Mr. Roberts tells us, Innovation Vista has developed proprietary materials and a framework for identifying ways technology can increase companies’ market share and drive revenue.  This is the culmination of their “Stabilize, Optimize, Monetize” tech maturity model, Mr. Roberts adds.

However, the journey for Innovation Vista has been ridden with challenges, Mr. Roberts explains. The pandemic affected their organization, just like it affected the entire business world.

COVID hit the planet within the first 6 months of the founding of Innovation Vista, Mr. Roberts specifies.  Like many companies, they had all traction with clients paused, as everyone struggled to determine how to survive and evolve in the new reality. 

Mr. Roberts says that they did have some silver linings. Across the spring and summer of 2020, they greatly expanded their network of consultants.

With the acceptance of virtual modes of working, the “virtual CIO” model gained more traction than their initial “fractional CIO” offering ever had. 

Opening up the flexibility to match consultants from across the country to clients also greatly increased the organization’s ability to find clients perfect fit for their needs.

Mr. Roberts tells us that open-mindedness and humility are critical in today’s fast-paced change.  Solutions that served well just a few years ago may fall short today, as customer expectations continue to rise in the digital economy. 

This can be challenging for experts who’ve experienced success with certain approaches and methodologies in the past with other organizations. 

Top performers in the IT strategy consulting space can apply concepts they have experience with to each project with fresh eyes about new capabilities and align solutions to the unique strategy of each client.

Impact of Innovation Vista

As per Mr. Roberts, Innovation Vista is driving and ideating innovative projects in the small/midsize market, which is ignored by most IT strategy consultancies.  Through the impact of these projects, clients have raised the level of their employees’ productivity and uplifted the nature of their work from mundane to truly analytical.

Mr. Roberts tells us that they’ve driven over $1.3 billion of revenue impact for their clients through digital transformation and tech capabilities for competitive advantage.  There have been lots of efficiency and cost savings impacts along the way as well, but Innovation Vista is most proud of this “top line” impact, which is rarely a focus of IT service companies.

Success stories that make Innovation Vista proud

Combining innovation with technical knowledge and ongoing work experience, Mr. Roberts tells us, Innovation Vista led a digital transformation for a brokerage company which involved a new CRM system, data quality & data integration efforts, machine learning and natural language AI, which delivered over 400% ROI on these IT investments via new revenue and cost savings.

Sharing another client success story, Mr. Roberts says that Innovation Vista identified over 40 potential use cases for AI for an oil & gas company, ranging from improving safety and productivity to compliance and environmental oversight paperwork.  Although the client had significant investments in IT to support their business processes, they had not yet contemplated the potential impact of AI on their operation.  This and similar projects often surface truly ground-breaking capabilities for their clients, Mr. Roberts adds.

The Road Ahead for Innovation Vista

Mr. Roberts specifies that beginning in 2023, Innovation Vista began to have more incoming requests to help clients develop an AI strategy.  They’re extremely excited about the potential of this fast-maturing technology, and they’ve seen incredible ROI on multiple AI projects driving both revenue and efficiencies.

Innovation that inspires Mr. Jeff Roberts

Mr. Roberts, who’s the father of 4 adult children and grandfather to 2 granddaughters so far, tells us that the advances in dashboarding and BI technologies in recent years have enabled near real-time visualization of the performance of organizations to a degree few would have thought possible just a few years ago.

Discussing the jest of Innovation Vista, Mr. Robers tells us that they are focused on bringing expert IT strategy to small & midsize organizations that don’t have the budget to hire a full-time experienced CIO. 

High-impact technology is not limited to large organizations!  Innovation Vista allows companies to leverage that expertise in affordable ways.

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