NTT DATA Sustainability: Going Green With Bold New Blueprint

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Image: NTT DATA Sustainability

On Earth Day 2024, global technology giant NTT DATA ushered in a new era of environmental responsibility by unfurling an audacious corporate sustainability strategy. 

With the planet’s well-being at stake, the tech titan isn’t making empty promises – they’re taking concrete action guided by a simple yet powerful three-pronged framework.

NTT DATA’s “Prosperity Positive”, “Planet Positive”, and “People Positive” pillars lay the groundwork for comprehensive, organization-wide sustainability initiatives. This isn’t just theoretical corporate-speak; NTT DATA sustainability is backing it up with skin in the game.

“Our sustainability strategy marks the start of a new era as we come together as One NTT DATA following the merger of NTT Ltd. and NTT DATA”.

David Costa, Chief Sustainability Business Officer, NTT DATA Inc.

Planet Positive: Walking the Walk on Emissions with NTT DATA Sustainability

All eyes are on NTT DATA sustainability’s bold “Planet Positive” pillar, which sets aggressive targets for reducing emissions across the company’s data centers, facilities, and entire value chain over the next 5-20 years.

They’re aiming for net-zero emissions in data centers by 2030 and net-zero across all facilities by 2035.

NTT DATA sustainability puts its money where its mouth is with its Barcelona headquarters – rated Europe’s most sustainable office building. 

From maximizing renewable energy to eliminating single-use plastics, this showpiece facility exemplifies NTT DATA’s commitment to greener operations that extend beyond flowery mission statements.

People Positive: Turning Employees into Sustainability Champions  

You can have the most robust sustainability policies, but they’re doomed without buy-in from the heart of an organization: its people. That’s why NTT DATA’s “People Positive” pillar enlists all employees in sustainability initiatives that drive behavioral change.

NTT DATA sustainability is rallying employees through impact programs like a global e-waste collection drive timed to Earth Day’s “Planet vs Plastics” theme. From April 22-28, associates across 39 offices in 27 countries will divert e-waste from landfills, recovering plastics that can be recycled into new products.

Prosperity Positive: Aligning Sustainable Success  

Underpinning NTT DATA sustainability master plan is the “Prosperity Positive” pillar, which recognizes that business growth is inextricably linked to sustainable solutions and practices. The tech leader plans to derive 100% of its revenue from sustainable products and services by 2035.

This bold pivot allies NTT DATA’s financial success with its ability to equip clients across industries to achieve their sustainable transformations leveraging the company’s technology resources and expertise.

NTT DATA’s sweeping sustainability strategy pulls no punches in confronting urgent environmental and social challenges head-on. 

While the path ahead is arduous, the company is motivated by a steadfast belief that embedding sustainability into its DNA will spark a positive ripple effect across the global technology sector and beyond.

Costa stated. “Earth Day should be every day for companies looking to build a brighter, more sustainable future for all”.

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