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  • Participative Leadership : The value of collaboration

    Participative Leadership : The value of collaboration

    Leaders implementing “participative leadership”, involve team members in their decision-making process.  In contrast to making decisions by themselves, the leaders take input from other parties that are involved in the process. This approach creates a…

  • The Art of Business Management: 20 tips for excellence

    The Art of Business Management: 20 tips for excellence

    The emergence of new technologies in the business world makes the industry evolve rapidly. Given these changes it is essential for businesses to adapt.  For any enterprise to grow, it requires effective management practices. Good…

  • Elon Musk’s Charismatic Leadership

    Elon Musk’s Charismatic Leadership

    On a humid summer night in 2018, Elon Musk took the stage at a Tesla investor event with an audacious promise – his company would start producing an affordable electric vehicle at volumes greater than…

  • Future of Global Investment at AIM Congress 2024

    Future of Global Investment at AIM Congress 2024

    The Annual Investment Meeting Congress (AIM Congress 2024) has become a premier platform for investments and economic collaborations worldwide.  As the 2024 edition took place, business leaders and investors eagerly anticipated the unveiling of game-changing…

  • Climate Finance: Mobilizing Capital for a Net Zero, Resilient Future

    Climate Finance: Mobilizing Capital for a Net Zero, Resilient Future

    The numbers are staggering—and deeply unsettling. Climate-related disasters caused $313 billion in economic losses globally in 2022 alone.  Meanwhile, the UN estimates that limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels could require investments…

  • Lassie Pet Insurance: Pioneering Preventative Pet Care

    Lassie Pet Insurance: Pioneering Preventative Pet Care

    Hedda Båverud Olsson grew up watching her veterinarian mother treat countless sick pets brought in by distraught owners.  Many of the ailments could have been prevented with proper education and preventative care.  Hedda vowed that…

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